Planning Board Committee
Meets 1st Tuesday 7-9pm at the Town Office
Joseph Devlin
Donald Condon, Chairman - 326-4333
Gerald Gray - 326-0583
Christopher Raphael - 326-4341
Philip Wessel - 326-8710
Darcy Snow, Alternate
Yvonne Redman, Alternate
Harbor Committee
Mark Shaughnessy, Chairman - 469-8777
Debrae Bishop, Harbormaster - 664-4885
John Gray, Selectmen Advisor - 326-4578
Chris Bates - 326-9633
Donald Condon - 326-4333
Robert Fisher - 326-9153
Frank Peasley - 326-4087
Pat Ryan - 326-8248
Bob Vaughan - 326-4210
Budget Advisory Committee
Earl Clifford Jr.
Matthew Freedman
David Ciampa
John Kimball
Andrew Ladd
David Zachow
Brooksville School Board
Matthew Freedman - 326-4091
Patty Tapley 1(207)479-4124
Barbara Blake-Chapman - 1(207)266-1413
Samuel Vaughan
Community Center Board
Philip Wessel
Dean Cousins
Diane Harmon - 1(207)322-6566
Cheryl Cousins
Katie Pundt
Barbara Blake-Chapman
Brent Harmon
Rick Ramos
Monthly meetings every second Monday 7:00pm @ BCC
Contact Diane Harmon at 1(207)322-6566 to RENT the building, she also has the Calendar
If you are interested in becoming a member, come to a meeting!
Brooksville Free Public Library Board of Trustees
Library Director: Brook Minner,
Joanna Hefferen, President
Lola Bogyo, Vice President
Joanne Kimball, Treasurer
Polly Bishop, Secretary
Joanie Allen
Justine Appel
Josie Chase
Monique Fowler
Jennifer Lowry
Davie Mellor
Sally Tomkins
Anna Wind
Historical Society Board
Earl Clifford Jr
Abbie McMillen
Bob Bakemen
Lorraine Dyer
Bobby Cleaveland
Dick Gregor
Deborah Grimmig
Ellen Hartford
Helen Condon
Meg Mellor
Comprehensive Plan Committee
Jonathan Hall, Co-Chair - 326-7142
John H. Gray, Co-Chair - 326-4578
Norman Alt - 1(914)572-9982
David Zachow - 1(207)610-9240
Earl Clifford Jr. - 326-8824
Donald Condon - 326-4333
Bud Fisher - 326-9153
John Kimball - 326-8602
Allen Kratz - 1(201)214-7476
Michael Maynard - 326-9005
Hal Snow - 326-8217 of 479-7716
Peter Van der Eb - 326-8791
Jackie Pike - 326-4591
Debbie Grimmig - 326-8788
Nancy Stanford - 249-9808
Charles Tarr - 326-9469
Andrew Ladd - 326-8344
Chris Bates
Chris Raphael - 326-0000
Darcy Snow - 326-8687
Brooksville Housing Committee
Broadband (Internet) Committee
Sea Level Rise & Climate Change Committee
Brooksville Climate Vulnerability Assessment: Coastal Flooding & Adaptation
Blue Hill, Brooksville & Surry Climate Vulnerability Assessment: Project Report
Brooksville Pilot Project: Breezemere Road
Brooksville Climate Vulnerablilty Assessment - Final Project Presentation
Ordinance Committee
Jonathan Hall - 326-7142