Local School Contacts
Educational Contact Information
Brooksville Enrollment Numbers (2021/2022)
Pre K-8 - 46 Students at BES
- 6 at The Bay School
- 4 at SES
- 1 at PCS
- 1 at BHCS
Grades 9-12 - 32 Students at GSA
- 2 at BHHS
- 2 at EHS
-6 at HCTC
-2 at DISHS
9 Students are being homeschooled K-12
Union 93
20 Hinkley Ridge Rd., Blue Hill
Derek Perkins, Superintendent
phone - 374-9927
fax - 374-2951
Brooksville School Board
Matthew Freedman - 326-4091
Patty Tapley 1(207)479-4124
Barbara Blake-Chapman - 1(207)266-1413
Kalahn Pundt
Brooksville Elementary School
1527 Coastal Rd., Brooksville
Cammie Fowler, Principal
phone- 326-8500
fax- 326-9195
George Stevens Academy
23 Union St., Blue Hill
Tim Seeley, Headmaster
phone- 374-2808
fax- 374-2982
Deer Isle - Stonington High School
Bucksport High School
Hancock County Technical Center
112 Boggy Brook Rd., Ellsworth
Amy Boles, Director
phone- 6679729 or 667-7138
The Bay School
17 Cay School Dr., Blue Hill
Marcia Diamond, Head of School
phone - 374-2187
fax - 374-5717
Sedgwick Elementary School
Penobscot Community School
66 N. Penobscot Rd., Penobscot
Jay Corbin, Principal
phone - 326-9421
fax - 326-9422
Blue Hill Consolidated School
60 High St, Blue Hill
Daniel Ormsby, Principal
phone - 374-2202
fax - 374-2919
Adams School
27 School St., Castine
Fred Cole, Principal
Tel: 207-326-8608
Fax: 207-326-0665
Blue Hill Harbor Harbor School
57 South St., Blue Hill
Andrew Dillon, Head of School
phone - 374-5501
fax - 374-3708